Martes, Oktubre 11, 2011



"Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the internet is an integral part of the game.


DON’T plank where others have planked before. No one likes a re-planker.

DO plank in moderation. No one wants to see you planking all over the place.

DON’T plank in the road. It doesn’t matter how rich your parents are, their HMO won’t cover planking-related injuries.

DO plank in public. Lying on the couch is not planking.

DON’T be the lone planker. Plank with a partner!

DO consider yourself a really lazy mime. Everyone hates mimes. You’re a less entertaining, more annoying
version of one. This leads to the next point…

DON’T expect respect. Even if you get a photo of yourself planking on Lee Todd’s solid gold desk, no one is really going to care that much.

Sabado, Agosto 13, 2011



For Men

Do dance with several partners at a dance -- and always with your hostess at least once.

Do practice good sportsmanship by not monopolizing a single partner or the dance floor.

Lead your partner smoothly through the crowd, being careful that hands or elbows do not collide with those of other couples.

Remember that bad dancing habits are easier to make than break. Even while you are learning, follow along the "line of dance." When you enter onto a dance floor, stepping out counter-clockwise is the general rule.

Do escort your partner back to the table. Never leave her in the middle of dance floor.

For Women

To be a really good dancer, you must be able to dance without having to think about your steps. Your feet must learn to respond easily to the rhythm of the music; you must be able to follow without apparent effort.

Remember -- confidence is the name of the game. And confidence comes only with knowledge and practice.

Cultivate lightness. It is vital. Practicing the basic steps in dancing -- especially practicing alone -- is the trick to learning lightness

Keep your feet out of your partner's way. Develop a long, free back step by swinging from the hip. Once the basic steps become second nature, learn a variety of steps to improve your dance repertoire for more interest and fun.

Move naturally, easily and comfortably. Don't be self-conscious or still


For Men

Don't apologize for your poor dancing. Improve it.

Don't try intricate steps your partner can't follow. She may be impressed by your dancing but she will likely prefer a less fancy dancer who doesn't make her feel uncomfortable.

Don't say you hate dancing just because you don't know how.

Don't let old-fashioned dancing date you!

Don't be serious. Leave your business face at the office when you step out.

For Women

Don't wear large corsages or ornaments in front. You'll make an impression -- but not the right kind.

If you are tall, don't try to appear smaller by bending your knees or slouching. This only spoils your posture.

If you are short, don't try to appear taller by dancing on your toes. This only shortens your steps and makes it more difficult to follow.

Don't dance for the onlookers' benefit. Concentrate on your partner.


Biyernes, Agosto 5, 2011

Blogging Do's and Don’ts:

An article for u guys..  BSICT(IV-A) :p


Do write simple, smart copy
Get to the point, but do it with style. When it comes to Web writing, simple is smart.

Do Think Like a User
Try and put yourself in the users place. Don’t focus so much on your c blog or brand-focus on what you have to offer the reader. Make sure and decide what kind of tone you’re aiming for and stick with it throughout your writing.

Do Prioritize Content
Make sure and emphasize the right content and organize your copy in a clear, logical order.Make sure your best is at the top.

Do Use Standard Web Practices
Keep your fonts simple and standard. Avoid fancy or cute letters in your copy. First, they’re hard to read; second, most users won’t see them anyway unless they have the specialized font loaded on their system.

Do Proofread Your Copy
This is a simple but critical step. Don’t overlook the importance of reviewing (or having someone else review) your writing before you hit publish.


Don’t Bury Your Lead
Write good headlines/headings to keep your readers interest.Do this by front loading your headlines with a good subject + verb structure. 

Don’t Use Insider Jargon
This is hard to avoid because we love our “insider” words and phrases-they’re like second nature to most of us. Use simple words and define any difficult terms. his isn’t dumbing down your content-it’s making it clear.

Don’t Overuse Bold Fonts or All Caps
In studies people often pass over bulk sections of bolded words or all caps. Bold works with short headlines but not lengthy sections of copy. Keep it easy on the eyes and avoid chunks of heavy bold or caps in your copy.

Don’t Use Long Blocks of Text
Break up your text into short paragraphs or bullets and lists when possible. Users need more pauses and breaks when reading Web copy, do your best to make your copy crisp, clean and with quick breaks for the reader to scan quickly.

Don’t Get Crazy with Your Nav
This last point has more to do with usability but it’s important to use standard practices for navigation to help your readers find what they’re looking for on your site. The nav is a tool-don’t break it by making it hard to read or placing it in a weird location.


The Do's and Don'ts for Surviving a Break-up

"You must do the things you think you cannot do." 
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Ending a relationship is never easy. But many times we are so mired in the emotional pain, that we can think straight, which causes us to make some bad choices. For those of you who are struggling with putting you head back on straight, follow the below "Do's and Don'ts" when your common sense isn't so common.


(Don't feel bad for feeling bad. You have to mourn your loss. So, make sure you let it out, so you can let it go. Do your crying now so you can dry your tears for when the real Mr./Mrs. Right does come along.)


(At first you may not feel like it, but after the initial shock wears off start looking for things to keep you busy. Now is the time to call in the troops; your friends, family etc. Do something, do anything, just keep on moving on.)
Just because your relationship is over doesn't mean your life is over. Decide what you want your future to look like and then stay focused on it, not the past. Sometimes things just don't work out the way, let go of what was and look forward to what can be.
You may want to beat yourself up over what went wrong or wonder what would've happened if you had done things differently. Now is not the time to be hard on yourself. Treat yourself, pamper yourself, and just take a little extra care of yourself. You'll be glad you did.


Many people get caught up in this cycle. The relationship is over, the person you loved hasn't called and it's driving you absolutely crazy are just dying to call them. Don't give into this because it will not lead to the outcome you're looking for, call anyone else, just DON'T CALL HIM/HER.
Seeing them just one more time will only put you back to square one, and, who wants to prolong the agony? It's painful to say good-bye to someone you've loved and it's even more painful to do it over and over again. You are going to have to get over it anyway, why not do it sooner rather than later?
It's not like you woke up one day and said, "I'm so happy, I think I'll end it." It's over for a reason. If you ended it, my guess is that you had your reasons. Don't let them try to entice you back with promises of how much they'll change, typically, these promises are short lived.
There is a certain amount of time that is necessary to mourn the loss of someone we love. It is a process that you must go through to get to the other side. But, whenever this time lasts longer than normal, you may find yourself wallowing in self pity and that will not only make you feel worse, it will also prolong your healing.
What you see is what you've always gotten and what you will continue to get. Many people make the mistake of believing they can change someone. The only person you can change is yourself. So when you think you can change them, think again.

Article Source:

Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

Do's and Dont's of Long Distance Relationships

Do's of a Long Distance Relationship:

1.Establish an effective communication channel:
 (Establish a channel of communication after all, its communication that keeps the  love alive in a relationship. )

2.Surprise your partner: 
(An excellent trick for making a long distance relationship work is to planning surprises for your love)

3.Trust your Partner:
( A very important thing for a long distance relationship to work is to trust your partner completely. It is always tough to deal with the separation and then keep the trust alive.)

4.Plan to meet each other:
( Meet each other whenever you get a chance,Plan a surprise visit occasionally to bring back that lost touch of romanticism in your relationship.)

Don't's of a Long Distance Relationship:

1.Take the relationship lightly:
(Avoid dictating and manipulating the relationship in your own way)

2.Avoid the Suspicion:
(Do not let your mind be bitten by the suspicion bug because once bitten the bug will not leave you ever, Avoid being succumbed to negative thoughts and have an open mind.)

3.Wait and see attitude:
(make it work the right way and put in all your effort, love, and time in it. Most of the long distance relationships succumb to this attitude of waiting and seeing.)

4.Settle for a temporary replacement: 
(Never ever make the mistake of settling for a temporary replacement when your boyfriend or girlfriend is not around. This if caught can completely shaken the trust in you and in the relationship. This is like putting your relationship at risk.)

Separation is definitely of pain; fight the distance and make your long distance relationship work with simple do's and dont's of a long distance relationship. 

Martes, Agosto 2, 2011

Do's and Dont's of courtship

1.Do not expresses sincerity and truthfulness 
2. Do not brag your clean living lifestyle
 3. Do not say flattering remarks (ex. You are beautiful, simple, brave etc.)
 4. Do not say the “I Love You” often because women of today are prone to “sweet-message” fatigue. 
5. Do not impress her of your swear words, because, again women are easily annoyed by that kind of courtship tactics. 
6. And last but not the least; do not fool your self that you will win her love hands down.

1. Pretend to be somebody
 2. Be gorgeous looking yet animalistic inside 
3. Be superficially simple but rough inside 
4. Be a talker and giddy to impress the girl 
5. Speak like a rocker without seriousness
6. And last but not the least just plays the girl’s game and you will win her love.

Do's and D'onts in Dating (part 2)

1. Don't be too obsessive. If the other person doesn't call, they might have been too busy to answer. Leaving 5 voice mails after the first date just makes you appear desperate.

2. Don't move too quickly. It could cause a pipi le pew situation (you persue and the other runs away as fast as they can).

3. Don't talk too much about your ex. And if you do, don't say anything desparaging. You're starting a new relationship so empty your luggage at the door.

4. Be curtious. Please and thank you go a long way.

5. Be flexible. If you have to cancel, reschedule unless you really didn't want to go out with the other person to begin with.

6. Guys, I hate to say it, but bring cash to the first date. If the woman wants to go dutch great, but expect to pay on the first date.

7. Do open her doors. Hold out your hand if you have a really big truck and she has a skirt and heels, etc. Little things go a long way.

8. Do compliment the other person.

9. Do listen to them. Shut up about yourself for a few minutes to hear what they have to say. (I have to remind myself of this one personally).

10. Don't drink too much. Impaired judgement always follows.

11. Don't look too hard for faults in the other person. You'll always find something to sabotage the next relationship. You've been hurt before so you don't want to set yourself up to have it happen again.

12. Don't make plans out too quickly (i.e. don't start naming your future kids on teh second date). 

Do's and D'onts in Dating

DO: Wear modest makeup.
DON'T: Apply so much foundation you need a chisel to get it off.

DO: Have a little color to your skin.
DON'T: Spray tan yourself into a walking advertisement for Orangeade.

DO: Use modest air products to look your best.
DON'T: Need a gas mask to apply hairspray.

DO: Enjoy a glass of wine or two on a date.
DON'T: Enjoy two bottles of wine by yourself before the date.

DO: Love all of your friends.
DON'T: LOVE all of your friends.

DO: Dress cute and enjoy your date
DON'T: Dress up like a 70-year-old bag lady with hair the size of the Empire State building and think you have class.